Monday, June 16, 2014

The Farm Education of Ryan

This is the start of a section I intend to write about my experiences at Living History Farms here in Urbandale, IA. If you haven't ever been, or have never hear of it, I advise you strongly to check it out if you are ever in the Des Moines area. The link to their website is here....Living History Farms. I was hired as their "Agriculture Programs Interpreter" which made me very anxious since I have zero experience with Agriculture. I think we planted beans in a cup in second grade. I remember most of the parts of a plant. I think I did sell myself a little short because I did work in a Japanese Garden for nearly two years. Nevertheless, I am as city slicker as they get when I first came to the Farms. I had been on a horse once. I can't tell the difference between hay and straw and had no clue there were different varieties of hay. Since then, pretty much all that has changed. It's been nearly two months and I have learned a tremendous amount during that time, because most of it I've had to hit the ground running to be able to present programs to school children. Unfortunately, I have to try recall  two month's worth of intensive learning and I don't think I can untangle that mental web of connective learning in a manner that would be readable. So the best way would be to simply start here and now and bring you up to speed as something exciting happens. I am also new to blogging in general so if it is formatted weird, or the flow of the page is off, or it looks like a n00b made it, you are probably right. But I can only get better my doing it more often and learning as I go. So I should probably also title this post as the Blogging Education of Ryan.


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